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Cup of Curiosi Tea

Week 52 (24th Dec, 2018 to 30th Dec, 2018): IPRs Report

AIA ReviewFiling DatePetitionerRespondent AppRespondent PatentTech Center
IPR2019-0050412/24/2018AU Optronics Corporation1158231574991192800
IPR2019-0050812/26/2018U.D. Electronic Corporation1287180179594732800
IPR2019-0046012/27/2018ZTE (USA), Inc.1422368995161272100
IPR2019-0048012/27/2018Unified Patents Inc.1210359186068563600
IPR2019-0048212/27/2018Unified Patents Inc.931433073736552100
IPR2019-0049512/27/2018Unified Patents Inc.946970763971862600
IPR2019-0050312/27/2018T-MAX (HANGZHOU) TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.15417630100530173600
IPR2019-0047612/28/2018Unified Patents Inc.1274923080354792600
IPR2019-0050112/28/2018Unified Patents Inc.991293170360202100
IPR2019-0050512/28/2018UNIFIED PATENTS INC.992422664118713600
IPR2019-0050612/28/2018Cree, Inc.1060860572564862800
IPR2019-0051112/28/2018U.D. Electronic Corporation1009964567733022800
IPR2019-0045412/29/2018Intex Recreation Corp.1131783572698663600
IPR2019-0047212/29/2018Unified Patents Inc.1115268974544302100
IPR2019-0049312/29/2018Intex Recreation Corp.1131783572698663600
IPR2019-0051412/29/2018American National Manufacturing Inc.890114459041723700
IPR2019-0047012/30/2018Unified Patents Inc.906202267888822600
IPR2019-0049812/30/2018Unified Patents Inc.1240291380236472400

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