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Cup of Curiosi Tea

Week 32 (07th Aug, 2017 to 13th Aug, 2017): IPRs Report

AIA ReviewFiling DatePetitionerRespondent AppRespondent PatentTech Center
IPR2017-019178/7/2017Proppant Express Investments, LLC1394969392965183700
IPR2017-019188/7/2017Proppant Express Investments, LLC1483190594036263700
IPR2017-019218/7/2017Cascades Canada ULC1405658693203721700
IPR2017-018078/8/2017Preferred Proppants, LLC1141670477232741700
IPR2017-018158/8/2017Preferred Proppants, LLC1141670477232741700
IPR2017-018918/8/, Inc.1360985385040072600
IPR2017-018928/8/, Inc.1378879385773582600
IPR2017-018938/8/, Inc.1382614585773592600
IPR2017-018948/8/, Inc.1360985385040072600
IPR2017-018958/8/, Inc.1378879385773582600
IPR2017-018968/8/, Inc.1382614585773592600
IPR2017-019198/8/2017UPL Ltd.1472600493942161600
IPR2017-019268/9/2017GN Hearing A/S1151580278946212600
IPR2017-019278/9/2017GN Hearing A/S1301361084942042600
IPR2017-019288/9/2017Valve Corporation1473677193522293700
IPR2017-019318/10/2017Wavetamer Gyros, LLC1248450181179303600
IPR2017-019078/11/2017Power Integrations, Inc.957912463336242800
IPR2017-019208/11/2017Nevro Corp.1030709868952803700
IPR2017-019338/11/2017Cisco Systems, Inc.1282392284787992100
IPR2017-019348/11/2017Unified Patents Inc.1336917487994682400

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