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Ustekinumab Biosimilar - Litigation update

Basic Information:

Case Title: Janssen Biotech, Inc., v. Amgen Inc.

Defendant: Amgen Inc.

Accused Product: Amgen’s ABP 654

Case Number: 1:22-cv-01549-MN

Court Name: The United States District Court for The District of Delaware

Patent(s) in Suit: US6902734B2 & US10961307B2 and US9475858B2, US8852889B2, US9217168B2 & US9663810B2

Key Events:

Nov 29, 2022: Janssen filed complaint

Mar 01, 2023: Motion for Preliminary Injunctions by Janssen

Mar 01, 2023: Janssen also filed a stipulation and proposed order to extend the page limits on the preliminary injunction briefing

Mar 07, 2023: Amended Complaint filed by Janssen

Mar 07, 2023: Added new patent(s) in amended complaint are US9475858B2, US8852889B2, US9217168B2 & US9663810B2

May 22, 2023: Janssen and Amgen filed a Stipulation and Order of Dismissal with Prejudice indicating that the parties have agreed to settle the litigation and dismiss the action with prejudice.

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