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Cup of Curiosi Tea

Funny Patents - 2

This video is about five funny patents filed in the US Patent Office known as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Brief of each patent is as below. Subscribe Info Hub channel for Science and Technology related updates.
1. Cork swimming suit (US267799A): Paschal Plant patented the “Cork Swimming Suit” in 1882. The garment’s fit was supposed to allow “perfectly free motions of the body and limbs” and was designed to be made out of strong string and small pieces of cork. The buoyancy of the cork would allow the user to float on water and look fashionable at the same time.
2. Double bicycle for looping the loop (US790063A): Karl Lange patented a “Double Bicycle for Looping the Loop” in 1905.
3. Eye-protector for chickens (US730918A): Andrew Jackson Jr. patented the “Eye-protector for Chickens” in 1903. The invention was supposed to protect the eyes of chickens from other chickens “that might attempt to peck them”.
4. Improvement in Moustache-Guards (US176175A): This is patented by V. A. Gates in 1876, is a witty solution to protect your moustache during the holiday feasts. A “curved and concave shield, which may be made of vulcanized rubber, metal, or any other suitable material” promises to keep your moustache out of harm’s way whilst (inevitably) overindulging this holiday season.
5. One-wheeled vehicle (US325548A): John Otto Lose patented the “One Wheeled Vehicle” in 1885, a type of unicycle that the rider sits inside of, whilst the wheel turns around him or her.

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