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10 most interesting facts about patents !!!

1. Microsoft has a patent, for opening a new window when you click a hyperlink that expires in 2021- Source

2. Halliburton Company once tried to patent patenting. – Source

3. Amazon holds a patent on 1-click buying; Apple pays them licensing fees – Source

4. As Apple is granted “Slide-to-Unlock” patent, they in a case against Motorola also argued “a tap is a zero-length swipe.” – Source

5. Abraham Lincoln is the only U.S. president to receive a patent while in the office. He was awarded patent No. 6,469 in May 1849 for a device designed to lift boats off the sand bars. – Source

6. For unknown reasons, during a bidding war with a consortium of tech firms for Nortel’s 6,000 patents, Google bid $1,902,160,540, then $2,614,972,128, and eventually $3.14159 billion (references to Brun’s constant, Meissel–Mertens constant, and pi) – Source

7. There is a patent for a surgical procedure to implant semiconductors into eyes to give humans night vision like Deus Ex and Riddick. – Source

8. In the mid-1800s France gave out an important patent in photography for free as a gift to the world except for Britain. They were made to pay. – Source

9. There is a patent troll company that claims ownership on WIFI sharing. It has being suing small businesses and hotels for the last couple of years. – Source

10In 1945, a radar engineer, Percy Spencer while working at Ratheon stepped in front of a magnetron, a device that powers radars. He noticed a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. Later that year, he filed a patent for the first microwave oven. – Source

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