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US4441222: Automatic Bed Maker

Sick of making the bed every day? Well, with this absurd invention, you wouldn't need to. (Click here to view the Patent)
You can use this electrically-operated bed cover making apparatus secured to the frame of a bed and operable to cause a framework carrying a plurality of arms to be lifted from the foot of the bed to the head by utilizing a pair of rotating wheels on either side of the bed frame.
Independent Claim of US’222:
1. An automatic bed maker apparatus, comprising: a bed frame; at least one bed covering; means for securing each said bed covering individually at the foot of said bed frame, said securing means being connected to said bed frame; and means for extending each said individual bed covering up from the bottom of the bed frame while simultaneously making it smooth from the center toward the sides of said bed frame by helical screw action, said extending and making smooth means being connected to said securing means.

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